e-folio for Alicia M-B Hall
Praxis Domain B (Creating an Environment for Student Learning) Artifacts


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Praxis Domain B: Creating an Environment for Student Learning

B1            Creating a climate that promotes fairness

·        I rotate tasks and group leadership among students.

·        I refuse to tolerate disrespectful language and put downs between students.

·        I include student self-assessments in evaluations of their work (see link below for sample self-assessment).

B2            Establishing and maintaining rapport with students 

·        I attend sporting events at my school to show students my interest.

·        I was invited to a guitar concert in school by several of my students.

·        I chat with my students in the halls about school and non-school concerns.

·        If a student seems troubled, I inquire if everything is okay.

·        I made an effort to learn students names quickly and to use them frequently.

·        I share my own middle school experiences with students.

·        When I have had substitutes, the students have felt comfortable with giving me their own feedback about how things went (I take this with a grain of salt, but I do appreciate it!)

B3            Communicating challenging learning expectations to each student

·        I repeatedly encourage students to make revisions even if they received a passing grade for a writing assignment.

·        I have assigned a mock trial of Columbus and a mock colonial newspaper to give students intellectually stimulating group (or whole class) projects. (see link below for assignment.)

B4            Establishing and maintaining consistent standards of classroom behavior

·        I had students and their parents sign the classroom behavior expectations policy at the beginning of the year (see link below).

·        I have given detention and administrative referrals when students did not respond to other corrections.

B5        Making the physical environment as safe and conducive to learning as possible.

·        I use a variety of seating arrangements as appropriate to the particular lesson activity and, with consideration of the learning styles of each student.

·        I use a color-coded system of organizing classroom folders and other support materials.

Links to Artifacts (Assignments and Student Work Samples)

Interactive Notebook Self-Reflection Questions

Colonial Newspaper Project

Ms. Hall's Classroom Expectations & Consequences