Once upon a time, there was a gal --we'll call her iyaorisha (that is right, lower-case "i") --who wrote fanfic.
She did not make any money from it. I repeat, she did NOT make any money from it. How could she? After all, the characters
and the world they inhabited were not hers. They belonged to a benevolent master by the name of Joss Whedon and a number corporate
entities such as Mutant Enemy and Fox.
Anyway, this gal wrote smutty fanfic. She did it for her own private enjoyment and had no interest in publishing it anywhere.
Sure, she lurked around fanfic sites, but she just couldn't see herself on the dance floor.
Until Xander pissed her off.
Then, iyaorisha wrote a little fic called "Relating to a Psychopath", a post-Entropy musing about what might
happen if Xander ran into Dru right after he leaves Buffy, Spike, and Anya. It was a fun little fic to write and she posted
it at Fanfiction.net that very day. Then, she mostly forgot about it.
Except, she started getting email. At first, a trickle. Then, more than she had time to reply to. Evidently X/D fic is
fairly rare and the news that Xander had become Dru's new pet spread rather quickly. They ranged from delight to disgust.
And there were requests for more fics. So she edited another story that she had written and posted it too.
More emails. Requests for permission to archive "Relating to a Psychopath", which she gladly gave. And then,
someone asked for a URL.
"But I don't need a website," she protested. She figured if people wanted to read her fic, it was already up
at Fanfiction.net. Almost a year passed and requests for a website increased. Finally, iyaorisha relented.
But, she decided to do things a little differently. After all, there are so many sites to just post fanfiction. So, she
set out to build a site that was about her experience of writing fanfiction.
This is the result.